Orange report front cover caption "Support After: COVID-19".

Queen Margaret University

Founded in 1895 in Edinburgh, Queen Margaret University (QMU) is renowned for its person-centred approach to learning. They offer a broad range of undergraduate and postgraduate courses, from healthcare and sociology to business and media.

Social media mockup on iPad screen.

The Brief

To share the findings of QMU’s Support After Covid-19 study, funded by the Chief Scientist Office, we were commissioned to design reports, podcast cover artwork and social media graphics. Conducted by researchers, the resources offer guidance to people with Long Covid, service providers and policy makers.

The Creative Outcome

We championed a multidisciplinary approach for this project to help QMU reach a broad demographic and communicate the results of their study in an engaging way.

Report spread on orange background with virus-like icons.

Summarising key findings, the professional reports utilise a clean layout, vivid colour palette and modern typefaces. To capture the attention of readers and reinforce the subject matter, we applied a simplistic, linear virus icon. A combination of typographic hierarchy, keylines and boxes help to break up large quantities of text and highlight important facts, statistics, quotes and call to actions. We designed dynamic cover artwork in line with this visual style to support the release of a series of podcasts.

To promote the communications and encourage engagement, we created a series of eye-catching social media graphics. These featured easily digestible takeaways from the study and were accompanied by succinct and compelling captions.

Social media mockup on two mobile screens, presenting on an orange background.

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“I have worked with Ben and his agency for many years, albeit in a paper promotional capacity. After discussions on an internal project, I was thrilled when he offered to produce work for ourselves.

Ben lead the way with concept to design and produced a great piece, Rock-Paper-Scissors. Feedback from our clients has been excellent and lovely to put a smile on faces when they identify the design. I hope to do more work with Firefly in the future.”

Elaine Scott
Key Account Manager

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