A close-up of someone working at a desk on a laptop.

5 hot web design trends for 2018

By Ben Walker on 04 May 2018

Could your website do with a facelift in 2018? Or perhaps you’re thinking of starting a new business and you need a website?

More than half of all purchases were made online last year according to Fortune, and the trend looks set to continue as more of us favour the convenience of shopping from our armchairs. Plus 97% of consumers research their options online before buying a product. Having an appealing website has never been more important.

Well, lucky for you, we’ve polished off our crystal ball and gazed into the nearish future, so we can share some of our hottest predictions with you for website design trends in 2018. Dive in!

1. The 80s are back

Ironically, an era during which the internet as we know it today didn’t even exist, is set to cause big neon waves in website design next year. The resurgence of 80s fashion, coupled with the popularity of hit TV shows like Stranger Things, has given consumers a taste for the zesty shapes and patterns of a bygone decade. Think high contrast typography, flat design and a vibrant colour palette. 80s influenced web design packs some serious nostalgia, and even those kids that weren’t born in the 80s are loving the vibe.

Here are a couple of example websites that boast some snazzy 80s design:

Lucas Bigot

The VHS Retrominder

2. Illustration is everything

Using illustrations to convey a concept or idea is an excellent way to create a unique style for your brand. From pure illustration, to photography augmented with illustration, it’s a website trend for 2018 we’re fully on board with.

Here are a couple of websites for inspiration:

Octave & Octave

Kick My Habits

3. Time to embrace Brutalism

It’s edgy, it’s raw, it’s unexpected and it’s oh-so cool. Brutalism architecture kicked off in the 1950s and many examples of the style can still be seen across Europe and North America today. Now the Brutalist aesthetic is set to take the internet by storm. Characterised by overlapping elements, stark colour palettes and bold typography – the unfinished look has never looked so good.

Some Brutalism-inspired sites we love:


The Outline

Artisan Roast

4. Prepare for cinemagraphs

What at first appears as a static image…is, in fact, a cinemagraph! Also known as a ‘living photo’, these types of images incorporate a tiny bit of motion – just enough to catch the web user’s attention. Cinemagraphs can surprise and delight your website visitors, and give your potential customers something to remember.

Check out these cool examples from the website of the cinemagraphs creators:


5. Get deep

Adding the illusion of depth to your website can, figuratively speaking, really draw your audience in. Faster networks and parallax scrolling web pages increasing in popularity means the 3D effect is set to really take hold in 2018. It’s an excellent way of showcasing a product, just like we did on this website:

Watch Collectors

What trend will you channel in 2018?

An important point to remember is that a trend is just that. Trends come and go. Ultimately you have to pick the website design that is going to be most appealing to your audience. Choosing something bang on trend might make you seem cutting edge now, but be careful you aren’t going to end up with a website that looks out of date in a year or two. Need some professional advice? Find out more about our website design services and get in touch.

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